My Story and Why I Started This Blog

This blog was started several months into the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020.  During that time, I began re-evaluating my goals in life and restructuring my life to get myself working towards those goals.  The largest of those goals involved getting serious about my own musical education.  Specifically, I want to begin composing my own music.

What is Mitchell Makes Music?

Mitchell Makes Music is my own way of collecting all my thoughts surrounding music.  It serves numerous purposes.  Some of them are directly related to music.  Others not so much.

Discover New Music

We live in one of the best points in time.  The internet gives the ability to very easily and quickly listen to virtually any piece of music.  I want to make it a goal to start discovering, listening to, and sharing with you much more music.

For the pieces I really enjoy, I want to record my thoughts.  Notable composition techniques, interesting chord voicings, awesome chord progressions, modal usage, instrumentation, etc.  Hopefully, I can start to discover specifically what it is I enjoy in music and use that as a way to develop my own compositional style.

I want to focus on composers that aren’t as well known today. In the last few months, I have come across several composers I had never heard of. And I have absolutely loved some of their music. Eventually, I’ll move back to the more recognizable composers as well.

Composition Notes

Since composition is a big goal of mine, I need to be doing it a lot more.  I want a place I can sort of store my fragments and ideas for use or inspiration later.  These can be anything from small themes to cool chord progressions to larger projects. And of course, my larger works will be on here once they’re available.

One thing I’m particularly curious about is to document my own composition process on some of my projects. The creative process is one of those topics that is so personal and unique to individuals that it is often difficult to explain to others. Perhaps seeing my own notes, thoughts, and processes will better enlighten myself (and hopefully others).

Note Interesting Content

I read a lot of music books and watch a ton of YouTube videos.  I have small little fragments of information that I remember but have no idea where I learned them.  Having a place to record and collect these quickly would be amazing. Plus, I want to give credit to other great learning resources and expose you to them.

Tagging System

This is one thing this isn’t so much related directly to music. I want so badly to be able to organize, classify, and link piece of content together in ways that allows anyone to find any possibly related piece of content.  And I think a blog could be a great way to do that. But I seriously worry that as I discover new ideas and techniques that I’ll have way too much to go back through to add new tags.  Oh well. I’m going to do my best.

Final Thoughts

There is so much information out there in regards to music. Music to listen to, information to learn, and ideas to share. And with all this information out there, it can be really difficult to know what to do next. My goal with this blog is to use my own experiences to help make that process a little easier, whether you are playing music, composing music, or even just listening.

So thanks for coming to the site. And I hope you find something useful.